Bucket List

My first two items on my bucket list involve my mentees (Nathan, Phil, Ben, Johnny). One thing I want to do with them before I graduate is to take them out to eat. This has been something we’ve been planning to do since winter, but it has never gotten done. The twenty five minutes in school Is never enough to talk, or to talk about anything more personal. I want to do this before graduation, and maybe do some stuff over the summer with them as well.
The second thing I want to do with my mentees is to pray for them/ have more meaningful conversation. I have already prayed with my mentees multiple times and asked for their prayer requests, but a longer more meaningful prayer would end the year well. Like I said earlier, the time in school is not truly enough time to go on a more personal level with my mentees. I would like to ask them about their faith. I would like to answer their questions about high school, sports, life in general. I want to continue these relationships when I go off to college, and that will only happen if we become closer talking about personal stuff.

The fourth item on my bucket list is to spend time with friends every day after school. I have baseball every day so I technically have already done this. But other than baseball I have spent times with friends basically every day. We’ve done stuff such as a bonfire, going out to eat, watching hockey, watching basketball, watching baseball, etc. Some of us are planning on going to a Twins game before we graduate too.

Another item on the list is to thank my parents for everything they’ve done for me over the years. I say thank you quite a bit, but I don’t do it nearly enough. And I never expand upon anything besides just saying thank you for this or that. I never tell them how much what they have done has meant to me. I owe them that.

The most important moment on my bucket list is to not take any moment for granted. When I look back on these past couple days, I will want to do everything I can possible, live every opportunity to the fullest. I want to be a great example for others, have the best time with friends, and have meaningful conversations. I don’t want to regret anything from these last couple of days. I feel this last item on the list covers all other items on the list well.

This concludes my short and sweet blogging career. It was a fun run. Signing off for the last time,


Drew Kleinschmidt

Gender Roles

“Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich”. “Submit to your husband, says the Lord.” Us men joke about women and their roles, but is their any truth in these jokes? How do Christians interpret verses such as 1 Tim 2:12 or Col 3:18? Should we read the Bible literally, or interpret the Bible with the 21st century view?

I want to start off by saying that men and women are totally equal in Christ. I believe that this is firmly put in scripture. The roles of the genders however, are different.

I believe in the firmness of the Bible, and I generally have more of a literal reading of it. The Bible clearly states that women should not be teaching or be in authority above men (1 Tim 2:12). I think that this verse is intended for the church. I do not condone women being lead pastors of a church. I think that this is clearly disobeying Paul’s teaching, and is a sin.

Now it’s a bit confusing what exact role women should have in the church besides pastor. I personally would not be okay with women being elders of a church, or them teaching a Bible class to other men. I personally think it is okay for  a woman to be a youth pastor, or a leader or women’s ministries, more broadly just something that isn’t directly disobeying 1 Tim 2:12.

I’m not saying that women can’t have a voice during a church service. They will not be sent to hell for setting foot on the stage. I think it’s okay for women to be contribute during services, and possibly even have a guest speaking role. I just could not promote or attend a church that says it’s ok to have women pastors. The following is a review of a book that discusses this topic. http://cbmw.org/book-reviews/jesus-justice-and-gender-roles-by-kathy-keller/.

The following is another article about gender roles. http://cbmw.org/book-reviews/jesus-justice-and-gender-roles-by-kathy-keller/

Now to everyday life. I do not think that verses such as 1 Tim 2:12 apply to the working world. I have no problem with a woman being in a high position such as the CEO of a company. I find no place in scripture that counters this argument, or a wife making the money in the family instead of the husband. I think that men are generally better leaders and that women are better suited to help nurture their families, but in no way is this the way that everyone has to live.

The bottom line is that women should not be teaching men in the church. “‘For Adam was formed first, then Eve.’”  Paul appeals to creation. Not to the Fall, nor to sin. But to God’s design before sin.” (previous article).





Much of Hollywood’s productions has a nihilistic character or entire show about nihilism. Many of these views even are promoted as a good thing, for example promoting smoking weed all day long or finding a new girl to bring home every night. The following are five movies/shows that have nihilistic parts:

1. This is the End. In this movie, all of the actors play their conceited selves. At the beginning of the movie, Jay flies to LA to meet up with his buddy Seth. The first thing that the guys do is smoke a bunch of weed for hours on end. They talk about pointless things that don’t have any value. Later that night, Seth brings Jay to a Hollywood party. At this party, there is more of the same. Drugs, alcohol, sex, sex jokes, alcohol, scantily clothed women, alcohol. Then the unexpected happens-the end of the world. God brings the “good” people up to Heaven and the bad ones stay on earth, which is all of Hollywood. Once this happens, there people have no value of others lives. For the most part, everyone is surviving for themselves, especially Danny Mcbride. For the rest of the movie, the guys survive in a house together, most of them growing to hate each other.
2. Pineapple Express- This movie was made by the same guys as This is the End, and stars most of them as well. Dale Denton (Rogen) is a court processor clerk who lives to be a stoner. He gets the weed from his dealer Saul (Franco) and they become close friends. All Franco does is sit in his apartment, sell the drugs, and use the drugs.  Dale witnesses a murder (while smoking weed in his car), and the murderers see him. He decides he needs to run away, so he grabs his friend Saul.  The movie puts no value on the human life.Many random people die throughout with no thought being put to it. Danny Mcbride plays the same character that he does in every movie (backstabbing, lazy, only living for self).
3. Two and a Half Men- One of the most nihilistic shows that I can think of. Charlie sleeps with a new woman almost every show. He wakes up the next morning with a  hangover and and then drinks more to dull his life issues. Allan has no value of self worth. He lives a very ordinary low, ordinary life, and doesn’t strive to live with high standards. He hates his life. His son lives to do nothing. He doesn’t try at anything, and the only thing he does like to do is to eat. As the seasons of the show go on, he starts to become more and more like a mix between Charlie and his dad.
4. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off- It’s Ferris and his buddies senior year, and they can’t wait to go off to college. They could care less about high school or anything it has to offer. Ferris lives to get away with anything he can, and lies to his parents constantly. The entire movie is about skipping a day of school. How pointless is that.
5. Get lucky-Daft Punk. This songs chorus, which repeated way to many times is
She’s up all night ’til the sun
I’m up all night to get some
She’s up all night for good fun
I’m up all night to get lucky
It literally took them five minutes to write this song, because “I’m up all night to get lucky” is repeated like 100 times. It is pretty blatant what the song is about. And this is a very meaningless lifestyle.


nat·u·ral·ism [ˈnaCHərəˌlizəm/]


1.      (in art and literature) a style and theory of representation based on the accurate depiction of detail. 2.      a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.

Theism: God is the infinite, personal Creator of the cosmos

Deism: “God is reduced; he begins to lose his personality, though he remains Creator and (by  implication) sustainer of the cosmos.”

Naturalism: God does not exist. Deism claims that God has always existed as a brute fact. Naturalism realizes that if that can be true, then it is equally valid to claim the physical world has always existed in the same way.

Propositions of Naturalism:

1. Matter exists eternally and is all there is. God does not exist. (pg. 61)

“In the whole universe there is but a single substance with various modifications.”

2. The cosmos exists as a uniformity of cause and effect in a closed system. (pg. 62)

The universe is not open to reordering by either… (Joe Krahn) … a transcendent Being (because no such being exists) … or autonomous human beings because they are a part of the uniformity Because humans do not exist outside of the continuity of cause and effect, their decisions are not ultimately theirs – meaning most naturalists are philosophical determinists 3. Human beings are complex “machines”; personality is an interrelation of chemical and physical properties we do not yet fully understand. (pg. 64)

Most naturalists view “mind” as subordinate to “machine,” in contrast to Descartes’ claim that mind and matter were separate yet equal substances (Joe Krahn) Naturalist still believe humans are unique for the following reasons (Annika): Capable of conceptual thought Employ speech Possess a cumulative tradition (culture) Unique method of evolution – technology is incorporated (Joe Krahn) Moral capacity “Let us conclude boldly then that man is a machine, and that in the whole universe there is but a single substance with various modifications.”

4. Death is extinction of personality and individuality. (pg. 67)

“When the matter that goes to make      up an individual is disorganized at death, that that person disappears”      (67). “Human destiny is an episode      between two oblivions” (67). “Pigeon Feathers” by John Updike—> life after death means that your life’s effects can have an influence on future generations (ex: Abe Lincoln)

5. History is a linear stream of events linked by cause and effect but without an overarching purpose. (pg. 68)

In a naturalist framework, there      is no goal for evolution.

6. Ethics is related only to human beings. (pg. 72) (Heidi Dart)

7. Man certainly was not the goal of evolution, which evidently had no goal. (Naturalism Mini Notes – Riley Smith)

Naturalism in Practice Secular Humanism (Derived from the Humanist Manifesto II – 1973):

Humans are special just because – No god (Riley Smith) God is a symbol of who humans      strive to be.

Marxism: Ideas and beliefs of Karl Marx (someone else add details) (Riley Smith)

Marx believed that history was going somewhere, heading towards utopia. Communal living on a large scale. Control the means of production (bourgeoise)–> exploit proliteriat Division of labor—> social classes (bourgeoise & proliteriat)


Propositions of naturalism:

“Let us conclude boldly then that man is a machine, and that in the whole universe there is but a single substance with various modifications.” (Heidi Dart) Very very good H-Dog Naturalist still believe humans are unique for the following reasons: Capable of conceptual thought Employ speech Possess a cumulative tradition (culture) Unique method of evolution Moral capacity

Death is extinction of personality and individuality. “When the matter that goes to make up an individual is disorganized at death, that that person disappears” (67). “Human destiny is an episode between two oblivions” (67). “Pigeon Feathers” by John Updike—> life after death means that your life’s effects can have an influence on future generations (ex: Abe Lincoln)

According to Naturalism.org, naturalism believes that intelligent design cannot exist because there is no scientific merit for it. Not every naturalist scientist believes that there is no supernatural. The main thing that you need to know about naturalists is that they do not believe in intelligent design.  (Ian “big boy” Strommen)

History is a linear stream of events linked by cause and effect but without an overarching purpose.

Ethics is related only to human beings. (pg. 72) (Heidi Dart)

Man certainly was not the goal of evolution, which evidently had no goal. (Naturalism Mini Notes – Riley Smith)

Naturalism in Practice:

Secular Humanism– Humanist Manifesto II God is a symbol of who humans strive to be.

Marxism Marx believed that history was going somewhere, heading towards utopia. Communal living on a large scale. Control the means of production (bourgeoise)–> exploit proliteriat Division of labor—> social classes (bourgeoise & proliteriat) (Annika van Oosbree)————————————


God created an orderly world to operate on its own.

Deists proceed from the assumption that an orderly universe exists. They see its First Cause as a Creator who does not guide its movements, intervene in human affairs, or answer prayers. Their pursuit of what is real comes through reason and sound inquiry. They do not take seriously any revelation that portrays the miraculous. Their reality is limited to nature.

Deists believe that man is a personal being who is part of the “clockwork universe.” He is not abnormal or fallen but is as he is supposed to be. Freedom to explore nature will lead to self-knowledge and understanding of the impersonal God who set up the universe.)

(Drew Kleinschmidt)


Matter is all that exists and is best understood through science.

The naturalist assumes that all that really exists can best be investigated through the scientific method. Certainly matter and energy are the only realities that can be understood in this way. Unlike deism, it does not hold to God as a First Cause for the universe.

Naturalists view humans as highly developed animals who possess self-consciousness, reason, and conscience. They believe that humans are highly complex biological “machines” who have physical and mental capabilities not yet fully)

Click to access worldview_comparison_chart.pdf

(Drew Kleinschmidt)


Deism [dee-iz-uh m] 


1. belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation (distinguished from theism).


2. belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.


The Universe Next Door: Chapter 3 “Deism”


Part 1 (p. 45-50)


What is the first possible reason for the development of Deism that the author gives? {It was a way to unify the constantly fighting religious sects of the day -Joe Krahn}

Another factor in the shift from theism to deism was the belief that knowledge of the Divine is rooted not in special revelation but in {reason. –Regina Mott}

What did Plato believe about the nature of reality (matter , spirit) and how did Platonic theory of knowledge influence thought and scientific study in the Middle Ages?

Why is this error in study and thought not really a Biblical perspective?

Do you agree or disagree that God “is a rational God”? {Why? I believe that God is rational in the sense that He often/usually acts in ways which make sense (appear “rational”) to us. However, this certainly does not mean that God is incapable of acting “irrationally” from our perspective: He may defy His own laws of physics, do something the purpose of which we as humans cannot fathom, etc. So in that sense, He is not entirely “rational,” because any way you slice it, God’s ways are usually beyond our logic and understanding! -Allison Deckert}  {In addition, I believe that the idea of God is irrational- because of the entirety of the faith concept- However, God is rational, because who are we to define what is rational and what isn’t? Even if we think His acts are irrational, we cannot fathom, as humans, the purpose of what He is doing or the reasons behind it (like Allison said above). –Emily Hunt}

Coming out of the Middle Ages, there were those like Isaac Newton who thought that God’s universe was orderly, knowable, rational and worth exploration. What kind of picture of God’s world did scientists like Newton begin to paint?

This time period and pursuit of knowledge about the universe and reality began the modern study of what subject?

Peter Medewar argued that the 17th century’s doctrine of the necessity of reason paved the way for what belief?

How did deists come to the conclusion of God as a “giant clockmaker”?

What would be the main difference about the belief in what/how one can have knowledge of God between theists and deists?

Give a couple examples of how basic deism was not a united school of thought:

How would a deist define God as “Prime Mover”?

(Deists define God as a “Prime Mover” because he set all of creation up. He put everything into place, but is not directly involved in it. As the book states, he is merely a “force of energy”. He just “moved” things, but had no personal influence on them.) -Drew Kleinschmidt

In what ways is the universe “closed” to a deist? {Not only is it outside God’s active interference, but it is also outside our ability as humans to control its laws and events. In one sense, as we talked about, the universe is like a large, intricate clock: fully complete, ticking endlessly on and on, independent of our control and God’s intervention. -Allison Deckert}

How does this eliminate the possibility of miracles? {In this view a miracle cannot happen because God is not able to interfere or else it would appear to be tampering with the universe; therefore it would look like God was making a mistake. –Regina Mott}

How do deists deny the real possibility of free will in humans and what is their reasoning for doing so?

Facts/Notes on Deism Part 2 (p. 51-58)


What do deists believe about the state of the universe?

Deists believe that God created the world. However, once God created the world, they believe that he left it alone. (Erik Schultz)

What inconsistencies do deists face about the knowledge of God by eliminating the possibility of “revelation”?

On the topic of “Everything that is, is right” and the dilemma that it creates with ethics. {If whatever exists is right, then wrong/evil do not exist. Only what is right exists. Pain and sin are obvious in our nature, so evil must exist. But if whatever “is” is good, then evil does not exist. You can’t hold to ”whatever is is right” and still have morals in a world full of evil. The two concepts are contradictory. -Molly Matuszak}

How did some deists view Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?

What might some deists believe about history and how would this differ from a Biblical perspective? ( A deists perspective on history would be that it is generally not important. Deists would believe that every single moment is a part of the clockwork, so they are insignificant. Specific acts from the past are indifferent. As Christians, we can see divine law in action. We can see humans past mistakes and learn from them.) -Drew Kleinschmidt

Deism was most popular in France and England in the 17th Century. (Nick Wilson)

Deism could not survive as a worldview. {People were left with a relativity of knowledge that they found hard to accept. -Emily Hunt}

On the topic of human significance in Deism{If everything is determined and set in stone, then nothing humans say or do has any impact on any other human or situation which eliminates all significance of what we choose to spend our time doing because it is all meaningless. If we have no choice, we have no significance within ourselves. -Molly Matuszak}  {A human cannot have significance if the universe cannot be reordered -Emily Hunt}

Deism is seen as a transitional viewpoint, meaning that it was derived from a viewpoint and has somehow evolved into the thing that it is today. In the case of deism, it has evolved or was derived from a form of theism, and in some way it is leading then to naturalism.

Give me some examples of a kind of practical deism found in some scientists:


Torture is a very questionable subject. The Bible doesn’t have any clear statements about torture, and there are no clear answers from God anywhere in the Bible. There have been cases where “enhanced interrogation” have reaped benefits. However, can we really say that torture is something that is morally correct? Is there any true justification for something that seems so incorrect?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpJxqF4X3dU This is a video of Sean Hannity interviewing two former SEALS about torture, and more specifically interrogation to find information about Bin Laden. These two seals say that “enhanced interrogation” is helpful in finding out information from the “bad guys” and that it is justified because it can save countless American lives. In other words, the end justifies the means, no matter what those means are.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJbhrlrQjz0 Caution: There are brief example of examples of enhanced interrogation included such as waterboarding. This is a video that supports the view that torture is morally wrong. He uses “Zero Dark Thirty” as the example of how torture is glamorized in the movie because we are the “good guys”. He talks about how torture is not beneficial, and even if it was, that it is certainly not moral or ethical.

Personally, if I knew that a terror attack was being plotted, I would be ok with the enhanced interrogation. If there were thousands of lives at stake, I would want to stop whoever was plotting against those people. If someone from another country decides to attack Americans, I don’t believe that he has the right to be tried in a civil court. If there is plotting of ending a large sum of lives, I think that this person doesn’t deserve any rights. The right to be tried in a court applies to Americans only, not for those who commit crimes against Americans.

As a Christian, however, I find it hard to justify torturing another human being. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr68Ih7HGA0 This is an interview of a man who was detained in Guantameno Bay for an extended period of time. In this interview, he depicts a few terrible forms of torture. These weren’t all physical, but some psychological. As a Christian, I find it hard to be furthering God’s kingdom and be able to him glory by physically and psychologically torturing another person. Listening to some of the things that happen during this type of interrogation, I can’t see any way for God to be glorified.

To sum it up, I think that there are benefits to enhanced interrogation. I think that there is valuable information that can be learned from detainees. Some of this information could even help stop terror around the world. If it’s a case of saving lives, I’m in favor of the interrogation. I don’t think, however, that Christians could justify being the torturers. If the torturing is just being done to punish the suspects, then I think it is completely wrong. But if the person has valuable information, then I would support it.

Church of the Future

The church always thinks that’s right. We’ve seen through history, however, that when church leaders use human reason over biblical truth, then there is a problem. This is how many church issues have risen. So what are some of those issues now? Or do we have everything right? Are we the generation that has finally got it?

               The answer is no. We don’t fully get it. I think that one of the major issues that the church has wrong is compromise. We are told to not conform to the patterns of the world (http://biblehub.com/romans/12-2.htm), yet we do so many things to try and fit in with our world. One example of this is finding our identity in things of the world instead of in Christ. These things can be something good, such as sports, but can become so important in our lives  that it takes the place of God. I think that with our busy lives today, so many people fall victim to this. The church doesn’t challenge people well enough. The church almost takes on the mentality of just to come when you can, rather than actually encouraging people to make it a priority on weekly.

               Another issue that goes along with this one is who is allowed to lead our church; who is allowed to be a pastor. Churches like this Baptist church http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Apostasy/baptist_church_embraces_lesbian.htm are now allowing gays/lesbians to be pastors. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. So how can churchgoers be ok with their spiritual leaders picking and choosing which rules they want to follow. How can they say that certain sins are okay to act?

Now, I’m not saying that we should not love gays and lesbians. God calls us to love them just as we would love anyone else. I don’t think that they should be allowed to lead a church in any manner however.

I think that women also should not be lead pastors as well. II Tim 2:12 says, “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” This clearly states that men should be leading the church. This verse isn’t saying that men should control everything and women should just sit back and take it. Women play a vital role in the church, and they to speak out for the church to operate properly. The following is an article about the topic http://carm.org/1-tim-212-13-and-women-pastors-and-elders

I think the church will struggle with complacency in the future. Technology is advancing, and lives will start becoming more and more comfortable for the wealthy. As this happens, it will be easier to not see the need for God in life. People won’t be able to see their true need for God. I also think that the church will keep conforming to the value of the world. The church has been getting weaker and weaker on certain viewpoints that seemed very solid and firm decades ago. Now, however, people are afraid to offend others, and they are afraid to stand up for their own faith.


In many places in the Bible, it talks about how Christians need to submit to their governing body. It doesn’t ever explicitly say, however, whether or not Christians should be involved in voting these officials in or not. The OT talks about voting wisely for elected officials, but does that still apply to us today? Should we not get involved with corrupt politics? The following is one Christian’s viewpoint on that why Christians should be involved in voting. http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/voting.html

I think that Christians need to be involved in voting. If Christians didn’t voice their opinion, then certain issues that Christians need to deal with (such as abortion, gay rights, etc) wouldn’t be able to be influenced by Christians. I also think that God calls certain Christians to run for office, so I don’t think that that is a problem.

The qualifications of the candidate I wouldn’t necessarily include them being a Christian. I think that their ideas on how to make the US a better and stronger country is much more important than that they hold my Christians beliefs. I think that if they hold the same faith, then they would most likely hold the same viewpoint on a lot of political issues, but their faith would not be a major emphasis on how I would vote.

My top five issues when going to vote would be:

#1- The person’s economic policy (or how they could fix our economy). I think that our government wastes a lot of money on different programs/organizations. God tells us to be good stewards with our money, so I feel that since he has blessed our country with wealth, we need to use it correctly. Also it would be nice not to give the majority of the money that I earn back to the government.

#2- I will look at how the candidate views the constitution. I believe that there needs to be a strict view of the Constitution, just like we follow the Bible’s laws and regulations very closely. If the Bible says a rule, it’s not up for interpretation, that’s what is right, because God is just. I think that in the same way we should view the laws that our forefather’s set for us very strictly. There is too much area for error if we have a loose view, so I think it is better just to view it strictly.

#3- Welfare- I think that welfare is generally a good thing, but I think it could be revised somewhat. I think that the “handouts” as Fox News likes to say need to be brought down instrumentally. Why punish the people that work hard? It seems as if there is less motivation to work, and I think that work is something that God wants for us. The following is a list of verses that supports working/hard work. http://christianity.about.com/od/Bible-Verses/a/Work-Bible-Verses.htm

#4-Foreign Policy- I want a leader that will not make America look weak by being wishy-washy on the topic of war, but also not trigger happy on looking to start wars. Obviously peace with all of the nations is the goal, but I do not think that it is completely realistic. In the OT, Israel is in constant battle by the command of God. However, Jesus commands us to turn the other cheek. The following is a list of verses about how to deal with evil people. http://www.openbible.info/topics/dealing_with_evil_people I think that in certain situations, it’s in the best interest to go to war, and I want a leader with discernment in this area.

#5-Illegal Immigration. This is a very touchy subject. I want a tighter border control to keep future illegal immigrants from entering the country. However, it’s a messy subject talking about how to deal with the children that are born in this country from illegal parents. I have no idea how to handle that. I would, however, like a leader to have some idea of how to fix this issue, because it is a major moral dilemma, not to mention that it is a burden on our economy.

I think that Marco Rubio will fit this view very well. I haven’t been able to do thorough research on the 2016 candidates, but I think from the little I’ve done that he’d do a good job.




“War isn’t good for absolutely nothing.” The link above shows Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker from a classic Rush Hour scene singing War, which describes the uselessness of war.

How should us Christians view war? Can Christians participate in war if it is a “just” war? Jesus commands many times that we should love our enemies, and to turn the other cheek. So should Christians not be involved in war at all? There are many different views on this subject. I will give brief summaries on two articles written by two different pastors and then give my personal opinion.

Greg Boyd offers his opinion on the situation. He says that he doesn’t think that the “just” war view is supported in the Bible. He brings up Jesus’ view on how we should treat others, saying ” Second, Romans 13 must be read as a continuation of Romans 12 in which Paul tells disciples to (among other things) “bless those who persecute you”( vs. 14); “do not repay anyone evil for evil” (vs. 17); and especially “never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord’” (vs. 19). Leaving vengeance to God, we are to instead feed our enemies when they are hungry and give them water when they are thirsty (vs. 20). Instead of being “overcome by evil,” we are to “overcome evil with good” (vs. 21). http://reknew.org/2008/01/does-following-jesus-rule-out-serving-in-the-military-if-a-war-is-just/ 

People would then ask what about God in the OT. Boyd responds, “…But I would say that the whole Bible clearly presents non-violence as God’s dream for humanity, and I would most certainly say this dream is realized in Jesus Christ and the Kingdom he established. So I believe that it’s incumbent upon Kingdom people to commit to refraining from violence for any reason.” – See more at: http://reknew.org/2008/01/does-the-bible-teach-total-non-violence/#sthash.G7JtUcxG.dpuf

I would agree with this last statement. However, I think that Boyd is ignoring the fact that man is sinful, and that there needs to be justice for their wrongdoings. I think that if a country needs to protect itself, then Christians can support it. Romans 13:4 says ” For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+13%3A1-7&version=NIV

I also completely agree that we should love our enemies, turn the other cheek, everything else Boyd quoted from Jesus. These are all absolute truths. I do think, however, that this is how we should treat others when we are personally involved with them, just more on a “personal” level if you will. I think that since God has put our government leaders in power. He is allowing the decisions that are made to happen. Praying about it, we can decide that if our government thinks the war is “just”, then it is not wrong for us to fight in it.

John Piper seemed to have a different idea on war. “The state, according to Romans 13, is given the sword to reward the good and to punish the evil. That would include, I think, punishing the evil of aggressors who attempt to destroy your land, your town, or your culture. Insofar as you’re a policeman or a soldier, it is not a sin to shoot and kill, as long as the cause of the war is just.” He later goes on to give examples of “just” wars in history. He says that if killing one man can save thousands of lives, then it is just.
I personally agree with this view. I think that killing one man is worth the saving of thousands of lives. I think that since God has ordained the government, and put them into power, we can listen to their views on war in order to stop evil in the world. We want and need to spread Jesus’ love as Christians, but God has given the government the sword in order to stop evil. In those cases, acting in a war is not a sin.

What the Hell

WHAT THE HELL! This phrase gets thrown around a lot by people today. So why is this phrase bad? Why is saying Hell in this context wrong? I don’t believe any of the words in this phrase are truly wrong, it’s the mindset. I believe that Hell is an eternal torture of being separated from God. Tossing hell into conversations casually puts off the true harshness of the place, and plays it down as if it is child’s play. If Charles Spurgeon was even close to an accurate description of hell, I’m terrified, and want to make sure I will not end up there. I think that Hell should not be ignored by Christians, but should in fact be discussed and debated on. The following is the Simpons version of Hell. You can say they play it down just a bit.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ZcZ2h4Ths


So what exactly does the Bible say about hell? The Bible seems to support a place that has unimaginable punishment that lasts for eternity. The following link is examples of Bible verses describing Hell (assuming that Hades and other foreign words refer to Hell).http://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/hell-bible-verses/

Revelation 21:8- “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” The next passage is an example of a verse that links fire with hell. Mark 9:43-“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.”

The Bible doesn’t seem to be super clear about what actually happens in hell. There’s reference of endless fire, gnashing of teeth (what even is that?), and a second death, but no specific description of what truly happens. I believe that there are no words to describe what truly happens in Hell. I just know that those who do not repent in Jesus will suffer these consequences, and that it is truly never ending. A world that is completely separated from God seems indescribable.


Some ask if it is right for people to be punished eternally. I believe that this punishment is just, because the creator of everything is just, and He knows whatever is right. A website of a Baptist church put it this way “While it is true that God is love (1 John 4:8), He is also just (Neh 9:32-33; 2 Thess 1:6) and eternal (Psalm 90:2; 1 Tim 1:17). God will therefore punish the evil doer (Isa 13:11) and this punishment will be eternal.” http://www.believethebible.org/eternal-punishment/ God set a standard that we did not live up to, therefore he can set the standard for punishment. He is a just God, therefore He will give a deserving punishment to those who did not live for His purpose.

So if Hell is so bad, why am I not doing more to stop people from going there? The answer to this question is simple: I don’t know, but I should be doing a lot more. Obviously, I do not wish eternal damnation upon anyone. Why then, do I sit back and not present the gospel to those I know who don’t have the truth that I have? My selfishness is the problem. I focus so much on myself and my comfort level that I don’t feel the need to be talking to others about God. I try to be a good example at all times, but sometimes that’s not enough. Everyone has questions, and I should be there to answer them, so that I can help the Holy Spirit get into their lives.